'; //print_r($_SERVER); // error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE); function parse_path() { $path = array(); if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $request_path = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $path['base'] = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '\/'); $path['call_utf8'] = substr(urldecode($request_path[0]), strlen($path['base']) + 1); $path['call'] = utf8_decode($path['call_utf8']); if ($path['call'] == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { $path['call'] = ''; } $path['call_parts'] = explode('/', $path['call']); $path['query_utf8'] = urldecode($request_path[1]); $path['query'] = utf8_decode(urldecode($request_path[1])); $vars = explode('&', $path['query']); foreach ($vars as $var) { $t = explode('=', $var); $path['query_vars'][$t[0]] = $t[1]; } } return $path; } $path_info = parse_path(); if ($_GET['goToDesktop'] == 1) { $_SESSION['desktop'] = 1; } if ($_GET['goToMobile'] == 1) { $_SESSION['desktop'] = 0; } require_once '_mobile_detect.php'; $detect = new Mobile_Detect; // then in your auto-mobile-detect, check for the variable first if ($_SESSION['desktop'] != 1) { // check for mobile and redirect //if ( $detect->isMobile() && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']="") { if ( $detect->isMobile() && (strtolower($path_info['call_parts'][0]) <> "coach" && strtolower($path_info['call_parts'][0]) <> "admin")) { echo ''; exit; } } switch(strtolower($path_info['call_parts'][0])) { case 'images': include '/images/logos/noimage.jpg'; break; case 'schedule': $ThirdNavSched = ' class="active" '; include '_schedule.php'; break; case 'results': $ThirdNavResul = ' class="active" '; include '_results.php'; break; case 'scores': $ThirdNavResul = ' class="active" '; include '_results.php'; break; case 'playoffs': $ThirdNavPlayo = ' class="active" '; include '_playoffs.php'; break; case 'playoffstest': $ThirdNavPlayo = ' class="active" '; include '_playoffs_test.php'; break; case 'playoffsrules': $ThirdNavPlayo = ' class="active" '; include '_playoffs_rules.php'; break; case 'standings': $ThirdNavStand = ' class="active" '; include '_standings.php'; break; case 'playoffstandings': include '_standings_playoffs.php'; break; case 'teams': $ThirdNavTeams = ' class="active" '; include '_teams.php'; break; case 'rosters': $ThirdNavRoste = ' class="active" '; include '_rosters.php'; break; case 'leaguephotos': $ThirdNavPhoto = ' class="active" '; include '_league_photos.php'; break; case 'admin': include '_admin.php'; break; case 'coach': include '_coach.php'; break; case 'coach': include '_coach.php'; break; case 'schooladmin': include '_school.php'; break; case 'schooladmin': include '_school.php'; break; case 'allowip': include '_add_ip.php'; break; case 'school': include '_school_page.php'; break; case 'rules': include '_rules.php'; break; case 'banner': $ThirdNavBanne = ' class="active" '; include '_banners.php'; break; case 'banner2': include '_banners2.php'; break; case 'uc': include '_under_construction.php'; break; case 'admin': include '_admin.php'; break; case 'test': include '_home_test.php'; break; case 'functions': include '_display_functions.php'; break; case 'archive': include '_archive.php'; break; case 'leagueHome': include '_league_home.php'; break; case 'watchchampionships': include '_watch_championship.php'; break; case 'watchchampionship': include '_watch_championship.php'; break; default: include '_home.php'; } /* switch(strtolower($path_info['call_parts'][0])) { case 'images': include '/images/logos/noimage.jpg'; break; case 'Schedule': $ThirdNavSched = ' class="active" '; include '_schedule.php'; break; case 'Results': $ThirdNavResul = ' class="active" '; include '_results.php'; break; case 'Scores': $ThirdNavResul = ' class="active" '; include '_results.php'; break; case 'Playoffs': $ThirdNavPlayo = ' class="active" '; include '_playoffs.php'; break; case 'PlayoffsTest': $ThirdNavPlayo = ' class="active" '; include '_playoffs_test.php'; break; case 'PlayoffsRules': $ThirdNavPlayo = ' class="active" '; include '_playoffs_rules.php'; break; case 'Standings': $ThirdNavStand = ' class="active" '; include '_standings.php'; break; case 'PlayoffStandings': include '_standings_playoffs.php'; break; case 'Teams': $ThirdNavTeams = ' class="active" '; include '_teams.php'; break; case 'Rosters': $ThirdNavRoste = ' class="active" '; include '_rosters.php'; break; case 'LeaguePhotos': $ThirdNavPhoto = ' class="active" '; include '_league_photos.php'; break; case 'Admin': include '_admin.php'; break; case 'Coach': include '_coach.php'; break; case 'coach': include '_coach.php'; break; case 'SchoolAdmin': include '_school.php'; break; case 'schooladmin': include '_school.php'; break; case 'AllowIP': include '_add_ip.php'; break; case 'School': include '_school_page.php'; break; case 'Rules': include '_rules.php'; break; case 'Banner': $ThirdNavBanne = ' class="active" '; include '_banners.php'; break; case 'Banner2': include '_banners2.php'; break; case 'UC': include '_under_construction.php'; break; case 'admin': include '_admin.php'; break; case 'Test': include '_home_test.php'; break; case 'Functions': include '_display_functions.php'; break; case 'Archive': include '_archive.php'; break; case 'LeagueHome': include '_league_home.php'; break; case 'WatchChampionships': include '_watch_championship.php'; break; default: include '_home.php'; } */ //echo '
'.print_r($path_info, true).'
'; ?>